Middle-click on Windows' scroll bars



I'm a spoiled KDE brat who must work with Windows a bit. Kwin, the KDE window manager, allows one to middle-click on any scrollbar in any application and the window will scroll to that location. I found a SU answer that describes how to Ctrl-click to scroll to position however is there any way to configure a middle-click for the same function? Note also that the Ctrl-Click does not work in Firefox.



Posted 2012-03-06T18:54:52.937

Reputation: 9 798

1Not a spoiled brat. Just someone used to getting their key bindings the way they want them to, instead of each individual app telling you what to do. – phyrfox – 2014-10-21T10:04:38.023

Can't you just click on that location? Instead of adding a modifier? – Tamara Wijsman – 2012-03-06T22:38:44.937

@Tom: I suppose that you mean to Ctrl-Click that location. No, I have difficulty using the keyboard and the mouse at the same time. I prefer to mostly stick with the Keyboard, in KDE with Vimperator this is easy, but Windows seems to be very mouse-dependent. Using both at the same time is just abut out of the question. – dotancohen – 2012-03-07T11:49:51.803

No, just click on the location. No Ctrl, no keyboard, no middle, no magic; just *click*... – Tamara Wijsman – 2012-03-07T19:43:08.843

Tom, I could repeatedly click on that location to get the scrollbar there eventually, but that might require tens of clicks on a very long document. I am looking to get there in a single click, like KDE offers. – dotancohen – 2012-04-06T14:00:04.353

Try middlemouse.scrollbarPosition in Firefox (about:config) – None – 2013-08-06T08:05:51.760



(I know this is an older question but wanted to share anyway since it was unanswered.)

This can be done with Firefox. I'll update this answer soon as I test settings in other browsers:

In Firefox (tested with v27.0)

  • In the address bar, type about:config and hit enter:

the about config window

  • In the search box, type middle to filter the search options:

typing in the search box filters the search

  • You'll see an option called middlemouse.scrollbarPosition -- note that it defaults to false:

the middlemouse.scrollbarPosition option

  • Right-click on the option and select Toggle, or double-click it:

toggling the option

  • The option will now read true and User set:

the option toggled to true

  • Restart Firefox and it should work as expected. I tested with a T650 touchpad.


Posted 2012-03-06T18:54:52.937

Reputation: 1 972

Thank you. Firefox is the least of problems, with plugins such as Tridactyl. When I'm in Windows I usually need the functionality in whatever random PDF view is installed, MS Office, and other native Windows apps.

– dotancohen – 2019-03-24T19:51:41.043