Transcender very slow


I installed Transcender to practice for a Microsoft certification. I also installed the exam question files. It is all very-very slow after a short while. Is there any way to help on this?

Further details:

  • It's about 2-3 hours after the installation that Transcender goes awfully slow (5-20 minutes waiting time at each mouse click).
  • Tried on two very different laptops (HP vostro vs Sony VAIO) - installed overall 3 times on them - with the same result. Both laptops very strong (Office, Visual Studio, SQL Server, ...etc. nicely running on them) - and Transcender runs on them in the first 2-3 hours after installation also very well. Conclusion: too weak hardware is not the problem.
  • The installed exam in my certain case: 70-568 (MS)
  • Transcender Test Engine version: 3.7.8
  • OS: Windows 7 Enterprise / Home


Posted 2012-03-03T07:43:02.863

Reputation: 161

This is a reformatted question based on an already deleted one where I first placed it three weeks ago as an addition. Since that I have made some further investigations on it - therefore, plz don't be surprised that now I'd also have a possible answer to it.

– Gustin – 2012-03-03T08:05:39.160



Since I've first placed this question (three weeks ago), I have made some further investigations and found a possible answer to it.

The problem was using special characters (like e.g. "á", "Á") in user profile when installing Transcender. It just brought some user specific XML files in Transcender's ExamFiles folder go totally out-of-control growing several MB large (in my case one of them more than 60 MB as I gave it up and re-installed the software). The larger these XMLs the slower Transcender ran. I.e. this seems to be a bug in the Transcender Test Engine.

Workaround: After discovering this, I re-installed Transcender without any uncommon character in user profile - about two weeks ago - and since that, it's running very well without any problem.


Posted 2012-03-03T07:43:02.863

Reputation: 161

Please also remember to mark your answer as the correct solution when you can :) – Der Hochstapler – 2012-03-03T17:37:07.377