sudo in CentOS 6.1 does not preserve command aliases as sudo elsewhere does?


On a stock CentOS 6.1 installation, if I start in my user shell (tcsh) with all my usual command aliases and do what I normally do (in other versions of Linux, and Mac OS X) to get a root shell,

sudo tcsh

my command aliases are not preserved. This is not the behavior I see with sudo on other operating systems, including older versions of RHEL (from which CentOS is derived). I've tried different variations in CentOS 6.1, such as

sudo -i tcsh
sudo tcsh -m
sudo -i tcsh -m

which by my reading of the sudo and tcsh man pages, should make it behave more like a login shell and presumably do things like interpret my .cshrc file, but nothing has worked. My default shell is /bin/tcsh in /etc/passwd; I've tried switching root's entry in /etc/passwd to also use /bin/tcsh (the default was /bin/bash), but it didn't make any difference.

I guess this behavior could be controlled by something in /etc/sudoers, but my /etc/sudoers is the stock file installed by CentOS 6.1, and comparing it to (e.g.) Mac OS X 10.6's /etc/sudoers file doesn't immediately reveal an obvious setting that would control this particular behavior.

I'm stumped at this point and would appreciate help.


Posted 2012-03-02T23:28:04.837

Reputation: 223



In tcsh, aliases are local to the shell instance that they're defined in. You have to arrange for them to be redefined in each subshell. When tcsh starts it reads commands from $HOME/.tcshrc (or $HOME/.cshrc if that doesn't exist); presumably you have your aliases set here.

The command sudo -i "simulates an initial login" by setting $HOME (and various other environment variables) to that of the target user.

Further, recent versions of sudo remove $HOME from the environment if the option env_reset is present in /etc/sudoers.

So, to make the root shell source the .tcshrc of the user invoking sudo, use sudo -s, and add the following line to /etc/sudoers:

Defaults env_keep += HOME

Alternatively, you could add the following to /root/.tcshrc:

if ( $?SUDO_USER ) then
    source ~$SUDO_USER/.tcshrc


Posted 2012-03-02T23:28:04.837

Reputation: 541

Sorry to take so long to get back to this. I tested the first solution (env_keep) but it did not seem to work on my CentOS system. The second solution did, however. Thanks for this. – mhucka – 2014-01-22T22:36:11.367


When you sudo, you are entering a root shell, rather than your own. You could add your aliases to /root/.cshrc in order for the aliases to be available when you sudo.

Adam Prax

Posted 2012-03-02T23:28:04.837

Reputation: 921

Yes, I know, but sudo on other systems do cause aliases (and perhaps other aspects of the user environment) to be read. I edited my question to clarify this point; sorry I wasn't clear enough about the key issue. – mhucka – 2012-03-03T15:43:47.817