So I was opening my laptop to replace the hard drive and I noticed something very strange. There was a loose wire. Do I need to be worried about this?
I posted earlier on Stackexchance electronics, but they closed the question saying it was the wrong forum. However, I got some info that this may have to do with my wireless card. I actually had been having strange problems with my wireless, such as it not working until I flipped on and off the physical wireless switch on the computer. However, when I upgraded to Windows 7 from Windows Vista, these problems disappeared.
Attached are some images. Thanks!
1Nice pics by the way. – Moab – 2012-03-01T23:45:56.077
I agree with @Moab, nice pics. I embedded them for you. – Raystafarian – 2012-03-02T18:34:41.367