What is the hardware requirements to install Bugzilla?



Can anyone advise on hardware requirements like required disk space, memory and cpu requirements, and system configuration requirements such as the necessary user credentials? I will be installing this on a solaris server.


Posted 2012-02-28T06:38:42.840

Reputation: 11

It's tough to answer this as is noted by the lack of official documentation. It really depends on the type and size of install you're looking to do – Raystafarian – 2012-02-28T17:28:44.100



Well, I found an answer, not for Solaris, but perhaps because it is about hardware and from experienced users, it can help you...

mozilla.support.bugzilla › Hardware Configuration

They talk something about a modest HW config:

a machine with 256MB RAM, and a PI 200MHz processor will run Bugzilla at a decent speed for a small use instance


Posted 2012-02-28T06:38:42.840

Reputation: 4 883