How to send myself an email every 30 min as a reminder?



How to send an email to myself every 30 min, until I stop it?

I'm working on a special type of support case and I need to update my clients every 30 min. So, if I received an email every 30 min that contained the template, I would just need to fill in the blanks and forward it on. Easy.

Craig HB

Posted 2012-02-10T16:11:31.177

Reputation: 293

Question was closed 2016-06-01T15:14:55.060



Schedule a recurring Windows task (Control Panel -> Schedule Task) to run a command line like:

outlook.exe /c ipm.note /m "" /a attachment.txt

and set the recurrence to 5 min before you need to answer, then up pops the message window and you can type in the status.

also have a look at this one:

Florenz Kley

Posted 2012-02-10T16:11:31.177

Reputation: 1 453


You can have a look at IFTTT for this kind of automated job.


Posted 2012-02-10T16:11:31.177

Reputation: 2 490

This site is fantastic. Looks like an hour is the smallest unit of time, but that might be okay. And I'll update my Facebook status at the same time! – Craig HB – 2012-02-10T17:11:16.523

1Maybe setup two same tasks, each running 30 minutes apart? :) – Bibhas – 2012-02-10T17:38:40.923


I'm a UNIX geek, so I'd set up Cygwin with a cronjob that would do this. If there are any UNIX machines where you're at, I'd ask for a cronjob on them to do this.

I know there is a Windows scheduler, you could probably find some utility that can send emails, and schedule that on the Windows side.

Rich Homolka

Posted 2012-02-10T16:11:31.177

Reputation: 27 121


You can try Boomerang plugin for chrome if you are using Gmail and chrome. You can nicely schedule the email

Please check this..

A good read -


Posted 2012-02-10T16:11:31.177

Reputation: 484


Ping Mail (with GUI) that send emails to a specified email address every few seconds (minutes, hours).

enter image description here


Posted 2012-02-10T16:11:31.177

Reputation: 1 749


Rather than sending an email yourself, use OUTLOOK and set a remainder.

Refer Create a recurring calendar reminder

Siva Charan

Posted 2012-02-10T16:11:31.177

Reputation: 4 026

I was thinking this too, but the OQ wants to use the email. – Rich Homolka – 2012-02-10T16:33:45.523

Basically sending an email to self, it will become a spam... – Siva Charan – 2012-02-10T16:35:16.093