Something takes a lot of RAM and i want to know what. I have list of running processes and need to know the sum of all of them because "In Use" does not help me to determine what takes most RAM:
I several times had this "leak" but everybody told me it is not leak and system uses that much memory. According to screenshot thsi is not true. Is there a way to copy this data to Excel and do the calculations there? Or any other way which allwos me to do this?
How do i display memory amount each process takes? What do i select here? http://i.imgur.com/oVcoY.png
– Boris_yo – 2012-02-08T14:36:46.700I guess I was mistaken. I just tried to do the aggregate memory, and was unable to. – jharig23 – 2012-02-08T18:26:10.457