Ditto (clipboard manager) troubleshooting in Windows 7



Is there a way to make ditto paste text instantly on enter click after selection on Windows 7?

My flow is :

  1. Bring ditto by clicking Ctrl+'
  2. Select desired text.
  3. Press ENTER key on keyboard.
  4. Now I need to do Ctrl+V to paste it. I want that on the ENTER the text will be pasted.

My options in ditto were already set to “Paste Clip in active window after selection”:

enter image description here

Andrey Rubshtein

Posted 2012-02-07T11:05:38.510

Reputation: 235

We generally use the word “click” only for mouse buttons.  To “click on” something means to point to it with your mouse pointer and press a mouse button (or do an analogous action with another pointing device, such as touchpad, trackball, or touchscreen).  When you say “click ENTER” and “enter click”, do you mean “press (Enter)” (type the “Enter” *key*), or are you referring to some action with a pointing device?  … … …  Please do not respond in comments; [edit] your question to make it clearer and more complete. – Scott – 2017-12-22T18:16:31.957



I had the same problem with Ditto with Visual Studio 2012. The problem was I run VS2012 with elevated rights eg. Administrator Mode. My Ditto did not. I had run my Ditto also in administrator mode. Then it worked.

Hope this helpes.


Posted 2012-02-07T11:05:38.510

Reputation: 186


Under Options/General, turn on Paste clip in Active Window after double click.

Now you can put the caret in the target textbox, bring up the Ditto window, double click the clip you want, and it will automatically paste into the textbox.


Posted 2012-02-07T11:05:38.510

Reputation: 21 453

Thanks for your answer. However, it does not seem to help me. Please see my updated question. – Andrey Rubshtein – 2012-02-09T09:16:20.693


This functionality works fine for me, are you trying it perhaps in applications that don't accept Ctrl + V?

If that is the case - go to the help and look for "Custom Keystrokes" (should be file:///C:/Program%20Files/Ditto/Help/DittoCustomKeys.htm)

There it explains how you can "program" Ditto to send the appropriate paste signal to specific applications.

Example: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Ditto\PasteStrings\SecureCRT.exe=+{INS} -> This will send Shift + Ins when running in SecureCrt.


Posted 2012-02-07T11:05:38.510

Reputation: 1 280

Thanks for your answer. Did you mean CTRL+V in your first sentence? – Andrey Rubshtein – 2012-03-21T11:26:15.277

Yes, Thank you for pointing it out. I updated the answer now. – RonK – 2012-03-21T11:30:44.350