In Windows 7, what is the System Path to the Mute system file?



I need the direct path to the system file, not a way to make a shortcut or hotkey.

The reason I need this, is because I am using S-Bar on my MSI laptop, and I can designate one of my custom laptop keys to be whatever I want it to open. It asks for a path. I want to make the path the mute button.

Here's a screenshot so you can see.

Screenshot to define laptop custom key button

NOTE: The file should probably be somewhere in the C:/Windows/System 32/ folder

UPDATE: The P1 button changer (S-Bar), shown in the screenshot above, is not even working. I could have probably linked to the shortcut, if S-Bar even worked. Darn MSI software =(


Posted 2012-02-07T02:39:12.903

Reputation: 2 958

Take look at this thread

– Raystafarian – 2012-02-07T03:29:43.710

There is no system path in that thread. Thank you anyways. – superuser – 2012-02-07T04:08:27.177

What makes you think the "Mute" action has a path to it? "I want the path to change the font of my Word document." – – 2012-02-07T04:26:36.477

@techaddict, todda didn’t say there is no folder with fonts in it, they said change the font in a Word document, meaning there is no file that performs that action, just like there is no file that mutes. I don’t know what you are looking for, but there are no EXEs that do nothing but adjust the volume, at least not that come with Windows. Whatever files you are referring to from a “long, long time ago”, were probably third-party files you downloaded. So you may want to download similar files again like Scott suggested. – Synetech – 2012-02-07T04:49:38.467

No, it was not third party files. The file is sndvol.exe. I finally found it. You can write a VBS file using that. – superuser – 2012-02-07T05:15:33.677

I'm star-ing this question. The whole thread in general cracks me up! – surfasb – 2012-02-07T22:21:49.667



You can compile and run a simple AutoHotkey script:

Send, {Volume_Mute}

This will imitate pressing the Mute key, even if your keyboard does not have a dedicated key. I have compiled the script for you, so you may use it with your current software.

Download:, 784 KB


Posted 2012-02-07T02:39:12.903

Reputation: 21 611

anyways, this autohotkey script only mutes. It does not answer my question – superuser – 2012-02-07T06:08:48.820

@techaddict I did not attach a virus. It is the above script compiled using AutoHotkey. Your anti-virus software may be too strict. If you download the .exe and use it's path in your software, it will work exactly as you required: "I want to make the path the mute button." – iglvzx – 2012-02-07T06:10:03.750

Why is it an .exe?? sounds like a virus to me. It should be an .ahk file. Never Download Untrusted Third-Party .exe Files! – superuser – 2012-02-07T06:15:02.337

2I compiled the script for you. Your example requires a .exe, so I provided one for convenience. – iglvzx – 2012-02-07T06:15:58.640

I do not know you, why would I download and install an .exe file from some random stranger who posted a link? My answer solves this question, and does not give links to any untrusted files. Thanks, however, for the Send, {Volume_Mute} command. That was useful. – superuser – 2012-02-07T06:16:34.317

2@techaddict He gave you the AutoHotkey script. If you didn't want to run an .exe, you could just compile the script yourself. Besides, you still should be running AV software, and if it was a virus, it wouldn't last long on this site, to begin with. :) – Ben Richards – 2012-02-07T06:19:38.510

@techaddict He's an established user of this site (see his profile). That probably means he can be trusted to not link to viruses. – Ben Richards – 2012-02-07T06:20:11.957

Okay. You can remove my edit (I can't undo). – superuser – 2012-02-07T06:20:50.803

@iglvzx: I still can't choose this as best answer, because you did not answer the initial question. You just gave a way for autohotkey alone to mute. If you revise your answer to solve my original problem (hint: my answer below solves my problem), then I will consider choosing this as best answer instead of myself. – superuser – 2012-02-07T06:23:16.337


Here are some programs that can mute. Probably the first would be the best.

  • Nircmd using nircmdc mutesysvolume 2 to toggle mute on and off (works on Windows 7)

(other programs I've seen to control volume, but not used)

Scott McClenning

Posted 2012-02-07T02:39:12.903

Reputation: 3 519

I need the System Path. Please see the screenshot for more details. It seems like you did not even read my question. – superuser – 2012-02-07T03:54:08.287

The Mute app tried to give me a virus and doesn't even work. Good thing I know how to delete startup entries. – superuser – 2012-02-07T04:15:41.520

I tried making a shortcut using nircmd, and then linking to the path of the shortcut, but that did not work, since it is a shortcut to a Command, not a File. – superuser – 2012-02-07T04:34:47.657

@techaddict, mute.exe is not infected. If you had a problem it is likely with something else on your system.

– Synetech – 2012-02-07T04:55:51.000

Incorrect. It copies a startup entry to my computer and does not even work to mute the volume. It has nothing to do with the rest of my system. Fresh install of Windows. – superuser – 2012-02-07T05:23:21.327

1@techaddict: The shortcut to point to the file, not the command. Shortcut to nircmd. Then in the shortcut, add in for arguments mutesysvolume 2. – surfasb – 2012-02-07T22:19:43.663


Execute this is the command line:

net stop audiosrv


Posted 2012-02-07T02:39:12.903

Reputation: 20 384

I need the System Path. Please see the screenshot for more details. Also, this command won't work if you have separate software that controls your audio. – superuser – 2012-02-07T03:53:58.490

@techaddict, separate software does not control the audio, the Windows Audio service is one step above the audio-adapter driver and everything else goes above that. (Theoretically something could interface with the audio hardware, but I have yet to see any.) – Synetech – 2012-02-07T04:44:40.520

I would advise against this, you don't want to kill a whole service to just mute your audio. This could have potential consequences... – Tamara Wijsman – 2012-02-07T15:19:19.907

@TomWijsman I'm not challenging you on this, but what potential unwanted consequences could there be by stopping and starting this service? – Raystafarian – 2012-02-07T15:21:10.777

@Raystafarian: Devices, drivers and software that (heavily) depend on it could be affected; why shut down a service if it provides an API to mute it, it's a possible solution but in most occasions an overkill... – Tamara Wijsman – 2012-02-07T15:24:30.977


  1. Install AutoHotKey
  2. Create a new text file. Rename it to F1Mute.ahk, or whatever you want, as long as it ends in .ahk
  3. Open the file (I opened it in Notepad++), and type in the following code:

    F1:: Send, {Volume_Mute}

Now save the file, and double-click it.

This is what I've been doing and it works the best.


Posted 2012-02-07T02:39:12.903

Reputation: 2 958

3Why did you post the answer that worked again? Please don't do that, it's considered rude towards people that are trying to help you. This is a good way to not get help the next time from the people involved... – Tamara Wijsman – 2012-03-30T14:41:20.233

Yes, if you wanted to mark something as an answer, you should have marked @iglvzx's answer, which you copied this solution from. – Ben Richards – 2012-03-30T18:31:21.670

that answer has a downloadable file which showed up as virus. That's not a good answer. – superuser – 2012-04-03T19:39:37.910