How to I create an open smb share on a Windows 7 box?


I have a Windows 7 (Home Premium if that matters) box witch I want to set up a SMB share on for a network media player to play videos from. Ideally I would like this to be open so it can be copied into from any computer on the network (both MacOS and Linux).

Following this I've chosen the option to "Turn on sharing so anyone with network access can read and write files in the Public folders.". However when I try to write to smb://winbox/videos/ (assuming that is the Public Video folder) on Linux it gives me a Permission denied (Linux can read the files).

How to I set up an smb share on Windows 7 that can be written to by Linux/MacOS?

Sindri Traustason

Posted 2012-02-06T23:22:48.107

Reputation: 748



One thing the guide you linked to forgot to mention was permissions on the shared folder. Right click the folder you're sharing, then go to:

Properties > Sharing > Advanced Sharing > Permissions > Add > "Anonymous Logon" > Check Names > OK > Check Full Control > Apply > OK > Apply > OK > Close.


Posted 2012-02-06T23:22:48.107

Reputation: 376

I still have a "failed to connect" message when attempting to connect with MacOSX... – Martin Delille – 2013-03-05T08:36:07.877

I seem to remember reading about a bug in OSX's implementation that always tries to use your login information even when you select to use anonymous login. I will see if I can find the article. – Huckle – 2013-03-07T19:14:51.840

@tinmaru Actually I think I was thinking of a Windows bug because I can't find the article now. Try to use the form smb://username@IPAddress/shareName to ensure that the correct username is used. (It will be your window's username) – Huckle – 2013-03-07T19:25:33.683