Software for sharing a live webcam stream with audio


My friend is getting married in November and has asked me to look into setting a webcam feed with audio for the ceremony. Does anyone have any suggestions of some software they have used which has provided good results. I would prefer to use a branded product (MS or skype) rather than something randomly downloaded.

If you can configure skype to let multiple people view though a Cam that would be great.

Kev Hunter

Posted 2009-09-09T19:49:45.570

Reputation: 265

Question was closed 2018-05-09T08:08:28.117



Unfortunately, Skype does not support conference video calls right now - it's only 1 to 1.

In fact, using an IM is probably a bad idea, as your bandwidth needs to support streaming the video to ALL cam attendees - with full data streams for each individual viewer.

What I suggest you to do is to use a video live streaming service, such as UStream, and let your invitees know the video stream URL. that way, your bandwidth is secure.

Better still - get an AV team who knows how to get a reliable video feed online. It's a wedding, it's once in a lifetime, and it's not yours.


Posted 2009-09-09T19:49:45.570

Reputation: 18 979

Good luck, Kev. Make sure you do a trial run first and test how well the video handles under load! – caliban – 2009-09-09T20:08:35.347


Skype doesn't support video conferencing, ooVoo does.

or setup a webcam server so the stream can be viewed in a browser without a client (e.g. SasCam)


Posted 2009-09-09T19:49:45.570


1setting up a local webcam server - like the one you suggested - will run into bandwidth issues as it needs to support a full data stream to each individual viewer. – caliban – 2009-09-09T20:00:15.237