How can I copy files from A to B, only including files that exist in B?



I'm on Windows 7 Professional, and this is my scenario :

Folder "Asd" (C:\)              Folder "Asd" (D:\)
File 1                          File 1 
File 2                          File 3 
File 3                          File 4
File 4
File 5

I'd like to select the folder on C:\ (without selecting each single file, of course) and copy it over the same folder on D:. Usually, it will copy all files. But what I'm looking for is to copy only files (from C:) that are contained on folder d:.

So in my case I'd like to replace only File 1, File 3 and File 4. File 2 and File 5 must be ignored.

Is it possible?


Posted 2012-02-06T08:48:12.073

Reputation: 623



When you want to copy, robocopy always has the right switch to do it.
Here you want the /XL switch to exclude “lonely” files:

robocopy C:\ D:\ /S /XL

This will work with files or folders.


Posted 2012-02-06T08:48:12.073

Reputation: 6 563


Try using XCOPY command:-


xcopy sourceDirectory DestinationDirectory /U /Y

 /U           Copies only files that already exist in destination.
 /Y           Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an
              existing destination file.


xcopy D:\Temp\test\*.* D:\Temp\test11 /U /Y

*.* - indicates all files in this directory

Here it overrides the files in destination folder "D:\Temp\test11" folder with the files from source

Siva Charan

Posted 2012-02-06T08:48:12.073

Reputation: 4 026


A simple for-loop combined with a dir /b should work. Something like this:

FOR /F %X IN ('dir /b D:\Asd') DO copy "C:\Asd\%X" "D:\Asd\%X"

If you're using a batch file, replace %X with %%X (something to do with they way how Windows processes variables, it's different from the command line).


Posted 2012-02-06T08:48:12.073

Reputation: 654

OH! With GUI is it not possible? – markzzz – 2012-02-06T09:08:25.403

@Markzz, no I don't think so. Oldskool, shouldn't that be "FOR /F %X IN ('dir /b D:\Asd')..." ? – RJFalconer – 2012-02-06T09:13:13.530

@markzzz Ah, didn't realize it had to be a GUI solution. Windows doesn't have that kind of functionality by default, you'd probably have to look for a custom piece of software that does that if command-line is not an option. – Oldskool – 2012-02-06T09:14:10.143

@RJFalconer You are right! Updated the answer, thanks. – Oldskool – 2012-02-06T09:14:58.083

@markzzz I think that the tool Total Commander does have a directory comparison function that you could use for this.

– Oldskool – 2012-02-06T09:20:35.297

@Oldskool - I would make a little change: FOR /F %X IN ('dir /b D:\Asd') DO if exist "C:\Asd%X" copy "C:\Asd\%X" "D:\Asd\%X" to prevent trying to copy files that don't exist on C: but do exist on D: – Kevin Fegan – 2012-11-28T19:06:55.017


Check the Troubleshooting IT Issues blog for solution for Robocopy rooting files like PST

net use n: \\server\backup
echo %computername%
mkdir n:\%computername%
SET SourceDir= n:\%computername%
SET Log="n:\%computername%.log"
robocopy c:\ %SourceDir% *.doc* *.ppt* *.xls* *.pst* *.pdf /s /LOG:%Log%

The addition of * on either side of the office documents is to ensure that you copy all versions from Office-2k3 and above. I have also included the PST files.


Posted 2012-02-06T08:48:12.073

Reputation: 11


To go alongside the robocopy and xcopy methods, here's the solution with JP Software's TCC/LE and copy:

copy /c c:\asd\ d:\asd\


Posted 2012-02-06T08:48:12.073

Reputation: 23 855