I accidentally overwrote one of the programs in the /bin directory, and would like to fix it. I am using Ubuntu 11.10, and would like some way to re-install just this file, without having to re-install the whole distribution.
Specifically, I accidently typed in the following command:
ls > less
I meant to pipe the output of of ls into the less program for easy viewing, which should have been:
ls | less
The command worked because I was (shame on me) logged in as a super user. I opened up the less file in the /bin directory, and sure enough it is now a text file with the output of my ls command. Is there anyway to fix this? It is especially annoying because I can't view the manual pages for any commands. Thanks for your help, I am just learning Linux.
what linux distribution are you on? – Ben – 2012-02-04T02:23:56.833
8if ubuntu, you would do:
sudo apt-get install --reinstall less
– None – 2012-02-04T02:27:54.420Especially if you're just learning Linux, don't do it while logged in as a super user. Bad things (like this) will be bound to happen. ;) Running as root is generally discouraged for all but only the specific cases where it's absolutely necessary. – Ben Richards – 2012-02-04T04:02:03.673
Thanks clime, I ran your command and it worked perfectly! I can once again read the manual pages! – jdg – 2012-02-04T04:39:39.510
5@clime - You should make your comment an answer. – Nifle – 2012-02-04T08:34:30.460