Listing all Firefox keywords at the same time?



This thread, Search keyword conflict in firefox, illustrates how it possible to see what keywords your bookmarks have in Firefox. However, when you select Bookmarks > Show all bookmarks and add the keyword column, you can only see the a sub selection of bookmarks at a time. I want to see every single bookmark at the same time? How do I do this?


Posted 2012-02-03T22:43:03.960

Reputation: 903




I have discovered a trick! When you search within the Firefox Bookmarks Library, it will return a list of bookmarks that contain your sequence of characters in any of their fields. 99% percent* of bookmarks will contain a period in their location. If you search using ., it should list all of your bookmarks. If not, the space character seems to function as a wildcard.

After, you've listed all the bookmarks, click the Keyword tab to sort. :)


*I have a few bookmarks simply mapped to host names on my network.


Alternatively, you could export your bookmarks to HTML, and write a little program which scans the file, collecting keyword and bookmark pairings which are then sorted before printing the result. I was going to do this, until I played around with the search...


Posted 2012-02-03T22:43:03.960

Reputation: 21 611

@glvzx tip is KISS! Works well with 8K bookmarks. And to display the keywords column since FF v40.0.2 Mozilla devs removed both a bug and the ability to display keywords columns at the same time, I used Palemoon which still supports it. Using both, I could review and edit a hundred clumsy keywords fields (ooold Tags dupes).

– tuk0z – 2015-10-13T20:10:12.327

Unfortunately, this does not work in 44 and possibly every version starting with 38. – sebix – 2016-02-25T18:22:09.207

There is no keyword in the columns for the bookmark search results anymore. Firefox 47 only offers tags, location, ... Workaround: Export all bookmarks as HTML, open this HTML file in your text editor, search for SHORTCUTURL= to find the existing keywords. – Kai Noack – 2016-09-04T14:01:27.970


Add a tag (i.e "KEYWORDS") as well as a keyword everytime you associate a keyword with a link. Now click on Tags in the "Bookmarks Library" and find your links with the tag "KEYWORDS". Shizam! Wizadry!


Posted 2012-02-03T22:43:03.960

Reputation: 21


Sadly, the "easy" method in iglvzx's answer no longer works. The "Keyword" column is missing from the list of choices, on modern FireFox builds.

See: as well as the bugzilla item

Furthermore, on recent Firefox, they took away the ability of extensions to access profiles.sqlite, so the "SQLite Manager" option no longer works, either!

Firefox design is increasingly hostile towards keywords, sadly ):

Now, it seems the only good option to dump keywords is using the "hardcore" method from the other answer (dump to HTML) or edit the places.sqlite file directly, using sqlite3 CLI or otherwise.

Note: if you go the places.sqlite route, you have to make sure to update the hash value of the URLs as well as the URLs themselves, if you are making changes. I've used this with success: sqlite-mozilla-url-hash

For reference, this seems to be the order of events:

  1. 2015-03-19: a bug is opened to remove the column. The reason seems to be that its presence was making some code migration difficult, and with some hand-waving, it was declared that the current UI was not good anyway, so it was okay to remove.

  2. 2015-05-04: the change is made to remove the column.

  3. 2015-10-20: people noticed the change, and started complaining. Response is "we will likely provide an alternative ui in the future".

  4. now: The bug to track implementing a new UI is 648398, which is still open this many years later.


Posted 2012-02-03T22:43:03.960

Reputation: 2 652


I generate a list of keywords with a query in my SQLite manager from time to time, I need to open <MyFirefoxProfileFolder>\places.sqlite in my SQLite manager to run this query. / currently is my best choice of an sqlite manager because it's open source.

select moz_keywords.keyword, moz_places.title, moz_places.url, moz_keywords.post_data, moz_keywords.place_id from "moz_keywords" join "moz_places" on moz_keywords.place_id = order by moz_keywords.keyword


Posted 2012-02-03T22:43:03.960

Reputation: 1


I found somethings interesting for you in the

Multiple parameter keyword searches

Hope this help. Let us know. :)


Posted 2012-02-03T22:43:03.960

Reputation: 3 180

Not strictly relevant but very interesting, thanks! – chronometric – 2018-06-04T03:23:34.120

This is unrelated to the question here. Multiple parameters regards sending two inputs or queries, as opposed to one. Your link is about 'search engines' in Firefox, where a query replaces a variable in a URL. – iglvzx – 2012-02-12T02:28:27.260

Yes: you're right iglvzx :-/ – climenole – 2012-02-12T03:46:50.247