Trouble with Google Maps, Google Earth turning blue


Why does my map turn blue on Google Maps when I switch to the Earth view


Posted 2012-02-03T04:51:53.803

Reputation: 11

1More information please. What browser are you using, which operating system? Does it happen in any browser or just a single one? Do you have any plugins installed, etc. – slhck – 2012-02-03T11:28:30.700

3It's the ocean! – Raystafarian – 2012-02-08T12:43:46.667



Try the sattalite view for a similar view. The "earth" feature is a seperate plug-in, it uses full 3D and I believe is the web version of GoogleEarth. I would far rather run the actual GoogleEarth application without the web browser.

If you cannot load it, and also do not get the flag about the needs, it could be many things, The plug-in removed even though it is indicated in the registry. some blocker, script block, security, active-x not being on, it needs java , or some other programming base to operate.

If you have the plug-in and all of that is working correct (even though you dont get view), remember still this is going to be highly GPU based 3D rendering. Checking dxdiag, having all the right gpu drivers would be in addition to the web stuff all working correct. If your using 2 monitors, or are Virtual, it could be a different grafics render issue.

You need to tell what is the OS your using, and what Browser your using, please add that to the question.


Posted 2012-02-03T04:51:53.803

Reputation: 8 067


Certain areas of the Google earth map I view have a blue haze over areas and I suspect but am not certain this could be flood zones or zones where recent flooding took place.

Mischelle Ryder Gagnon

Posted 2012-02-03T04:51:53.803

Reputation: 1

Is this your final answer? – Pimp Juice IT – 2017-08-15T19:13:49.183


You most likely have poor quality Internet service. If your Internet connection is slow, when it bottlenecks, Google freezes and gives up.


Posted 2012-02-03T04:51:53.803

Reputation: 1

1this should have been a comment – Linger – 2012-11-07T17:52:50.840


I believe it is a bug, regardless of how good your ISP is. You fix it by switching to satellite view and back to map view.

Tony Towers

Posted 2012-02-03T04:51:53.803

Reputation: 1

or its simply the ocean... as said before! – Lorenzo Von Matterhorn – 2013-03-28T22:58:55.693


Well it could be the ocean! But probably not. Unfortunately, it seems @billy never came back here, so we'd never know.

It's quite an old question but I had similar problems recently while using google maps on my MBP (late 2011) and on searching google maps screen turns blue, this came up as one of the top results (1st on google); so I suppose this answer would at least help point people looking for my issue in a helpful direction (a proxy question FWIW ;)

The problem is that every time I opened google maps on my browser (any webgl capable browser, I suppose), the screen turned blue-ish and it remained that way until the maps tab was open. It went back to the nice warm shade it was when that tab was closed.

Here's my relevant post on the Google Maps forum that led me to some useful information on the issue:!topic/maps/bDGTgfSwM7k;context-place=forum/maps

I would have posted this as a comment to the question but I don't have enough points to do that, so here it is. ;)


Posted 2012-02-03T04:51:53.803

Reputation: 1

1This is commentary and a link to a lengthy online chat (more commentary). I'm not seeing anything that answers the question. – fixer1234 – 2016-09-10T22:49:20.063