Using GIMP, easiest way to repeat an image in a tiled fashion?



I have an image that is 100 x 125 pixels in size.

I'd like to create a new image by repeating the source image, five times, horizontally. (So the new image is 500 x 125.)

The repetitions must be pixel perfect, in exactly the right place. (So I'm less likely to accept an answer that requires placement by eye-balling.)

What's the easiest way to do this using GIMP?


Posted 2012-01-31T16:25:34.650

Reputation: 1 994



  • Filters → Map → Tile...
  • Disconnect vertical and horizontal scales (break the "chain" between them).
  • Switch the units to percentage (%).
  • Enter 500 % for the width, 100 % for the height.



Posted 2012-01-31T16:25:34.650

Reputation: 3 537

If you don't unlink the two values you may adjust the other value without realising, and for example, it might go from a 1x355px image to a 1200x426000 image. That could take over 5 minutes to process! – thomasrutter – 2018-10-08T06:42:07.147

A nice feature would be selecting a template size (like A4, A3, Letter etc.) so that we can easily create a page for printing. – Vishnu Haridas – 2018-12-07T15:31:14.613

2There is no need to switch to percentage. – iglvzx – 2012-01-31T16:56:20.520

5@iglvzx isnt % a cleaner option ? – Shekhar – 2012-01-31T17:03:26.520

@shark, Yes! Misread the question, I mixed up their original height and width. I will fix it! Forgive my rashness... – iglvzx – 2012-01-31T17:10:26.603

2Magnificent! Even easier than I expected. Thank you! – Jon-Eric – 2012-01-31T18:03:31.843

1is it normal that it takes more than 5 minutes for gimp to do the tiling from an 1x355 px image to an 1200x355 px one, on a dualcore machine ? any browser does that in <1 seconds! to answer myself: the step i skipped by accident is to "disconnect the Chain". now it takes < 5 seconds. :) – n611x007 – 2012-10-04T23:12:00.073


Dont have Gimp at hand right now but have you tried : Filters > Map >Tile


Posted 2012-01-31T16:25:34.650

Reputation: 4 815