I use VMWare workstation and have had no problems with my virtual machines and bridging the network card. However, I installed Virtualbox to check it out and ever since I can't establish a network connection with my virtual machine network cards being set as "bridge".
I did find I could set them to NAT and get a network connection with the nic card.
Obviously, a possible answer would be to uninstall VirtualBox, but maybe I don't have too, and there is an answer.
I have tried unsuccessful the following to get bridging to work...
Uninstalling / Re-installing VMWare tools
Uninstalling / rebooting / re-installing network card
I have even tried giving nic card static IP and related DNS/Gateway server
Has anyone else experienced this problem or know a solution other than removing VirtualBox?
Awesome, such a simple fix. I can confirm that both VMWare and VirtualBox play nice with each other after setting the proper adapter. – Mahn – 2016-07-15T00:41:23.523
1you're my savior – armel – 2012-07-13T11:07:39.933
1Just a quick fyi, in VMWorkstation 9, the Virtual Network Editor is located in the
menu. – JoshP – 2013-06-19T12:16:17.527Another way to fix this is disable the vmware bridge protocol for the vbox network adapter using the Network and Sharing Center. – wimh – 2014-06-16T07:53:43.543