How to set a 5 char (40 bit) ASCII password for WEP on a Linksys v8 device


I have a Linksys FW v8, and I want to use wireless password "12345" for WEP.

I cant set it up, I just can specify a 64 or 128 bit, I want 40 bit, 5 char long.

Is it possible?

Nicolas S

Posted 2012-01-29T00:47:19.247

Reputation: 111

2Cant you just add a few characters to the password and make it 12345678? There isn't really much difference. – Mythrillic – 2012-01-29T01:36:58.560

What is the exact model number of your "FW"? – RedGrittyBrick – 2012-01-29T12:54:53.857

linksys wrt54g with FW (firmware) v8.0 – Nicolas S – 2012-01-29T23:00:52.537



Choose 64-bit.

Wikipedia says

A 64-bit WEP key is usually entered as a string of 10 hexadecimal (base 16) characters (0-9 and A-F). Each character represents four bits, 10 digits of four bits each gives 40 bits; adding the 24-bit IV produces the complete 64-bit WEP key. Most devices also allow the user to enter the key as five ASCII characters, each of which is turned into eight bits using the character's byte value in ASCII;



If your router software doesn't have features that you want, you can always check if the hardware is supported by DD-WRT and whether that supports the features you need. Since the source is available, you can add features you want (or pay a developer to add them for you)

Updating firmware usually has the potential to render your device unusable. People updating firmware have to be prepared for that outcome.


Of course, we all know WEP is insecure and a 5-character key is insecure. You know that, I just want to remind anyone else reading this that WPA2 is the way to go unless you are just playing at breaking into your own router or something.


Posted 2012-01-29T00:47:19.247

Reputation: 70 632

Written in bold wont apply for my WRT54g linksys.. Any way i can go with the direct password instead of using a passphrase to be hexed to my pass? – Nicolas S – 2012-01-29T23:00:01.447

@NicolasS: See updated answer. – RedGrittyBrick – 2012-01-29T23:13:58.320

@NicolasS: If you type in a passphrase of "12345" and click "generate", what Hex values do you get for Keys 1-4? – RedGrittyBrick – 2012-01-29T23:22:53.443

some 10 digit hex passes.. Im just doing this to imitate another access point, so some old people can have the same essid and pass in their home and office, no one is going to crack the pass there is even a faster open network... i just want WEP pasword "12345", this is becoming harder than i thought. I wont install ddwrt, unless there is no way i can go with 5 char ascii pass.. – Nicolas S – 2012-01-30T03:26:48.800

@NicolasS: The reason I asked for the Hex values is so that we can work out the relationship between the passphrase and the exact hex values. That way you may be able to work out what passphrase is needed to produce the hex equivalent of 12345. (31 32 33 34 35) – RedGrittyBrick – 2012-01-30T11:03:51.787

oh i will try that and come back – Nicolas S – 2012-01-31T02:06:45.920