How do I disable the fade out effect when Windows goes into standby?



Is there any way to disable the fade to black effect when Windows enters standby state? I have a tablet PC and when I press the power button I want the screen to turn off immediately, not showing me some silly animation that gives me the impression of being SLOW.


Posted 2012-01-22T00:03:58.237

Reputation: 492

1Which version and edition of Windows? – Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 – 2012-01-22T01:01:05.273

Edited the question. Who downvoted me? wth?! – friederbluemle – 2012-01-22T02:08:57.607

It was not me, but one of the reasons for downvoting is that it shows no research effort. Perhaps that is the case here. – soandos – 2012-01-22T02:48:22.183

Possible duplicate: although that one is about fading in not out, but answer should be the same: not possible.

– Baarn – 2012-01-22T03:41:11.817

I did see that other question (which is similar but about login screen to desktop instead of entering standby). Also I did some research before asking the question but couldn't find anything directly related. Anyway, I expected that there is no easy way to do this. – friederbluemle – 2012-01-22T04:17:16.477

I've also been interested in disabling the fade effect. I currently have UAC set to "do not dim my desktop". – iglvzx – 2012-01-24T19:18:24.740

This setting only affects whether or not your desktop will be greyed out (=temporarily unresponsive to mouse events) when a UAC prompt pops up. – friederbluemle – 2012-01-24T19:40:29.640

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