How secure is data on an external drive protected with Windows 7 BitLocker?


Just curious, say, not considering the strength of my password (let's assume it's very strong, something like "j*ds73hSoe93%KE4") how secure is my data on an external drive that is protected with a BitLocker feature of Windows 7 Ultimate?


Posted 2012-01-13T20:25:52.053


3As long as the password can't be guessed it's essentially uncrackable at the moment. Having said that, this question is better suited for SuperUser. – RomanSt – 2012-01-13T20:31:47.687

What kind of attack are you referring to? For example, there might be a difference between someone just stealing the drive and taking it home to fiddle with versus someone inserting malware into your system to potentially break in that way. Not that I can answer either way, but the question seems a bit vague. – Mark Wilkins – 2012-01-13T20:33:59.553

Sorry, I should've posted it there... As the attack goes, I mean protecting my data (files) from being stolen. – None – 2012-01-13T21:02:33.343

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