Motherboard rated ram is 1333 and 2000(O.C.)?


I have a RAM question...This is my mobo...

And it says it is rated for DDR 1333, and DDR 2000 O.C.

First of all, I would have to assume that OC stands for Over Clocked, so is there any reason to worry I could fry the board if I put in 2000?

Second, it doesn't explicitly say it supports 1600, so does that mean I REALLY can't use it?

And I guess third is there really a huge performance difference between 1333 and 1600?



Posted 2012-01-13T16:14:07.537

Reputation: 205



  • Yes, OC stands for overclocking
  • Of, course you can use 1600Mhz RAM (If you RAM supports it)
  • No, there is no difference between 1333Mhz and 1600MHz you will notice. See this chart link.(It is german, nevertheless you will understand it.)
  • Never forget timings, they matter as much as speed does.

The most important question is, if your motherboard supports the RAM module you want to use in general. You can check that on list from the asus link you posted or on several forums on the internet. (You will see that the PDF even lists 1600/1866/2000 Mhz RAM.)


Posted 2012-01-13T16:14:07.537

Reputation: 2 735

So, which is better 7-7-7-21 or 9-9-9-24? – jcreamer898 – 2012-01-13T16:41:10.737

@jcreamer898 lower timings (7-7-7-21) and higher clocks(e.g.: 1866MHz) are better – inf – 2012-01-13T16:41:58.050


DDR3 2000(O.C.) means that you can use a DDR3 2000 on your motherboard but you have to set the speed/timing and other RAM settings manually in the BIOS. Otherwise it will just operate at the 1333 speed (down clocked)


Posted 2012-01-13T16:14:07.537

Reputation: 14 361