why can't I use gnome in my Suse11 box


I newly installed a suse11 sp1 box. after the initial installation I do get a pretty gnome based desktop, but after reboot what i get is just a text prompt, the user I login with has a run level of 5, so I'm puzzled, any of you can give me some tips on it?

In short, my question can be like this: how to enable gnome in Suse11.

HaiYuan Zhang

Posted 2012-01-11T02:01:17.183

Reputation: 3 239

if you run startx after logging in as an ordinary user, does the desktop come up? – Paul – 2012-01-11T02:59:08.070

@Paul no, startx gives me a very primitive x based desktop, I'm pretty sure it's gnome – HaiYuan Zhang – 2012-01-11T03:14:12.460

Ok, once you login, can you do sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart – Paul – 2012-01-11T03:17:37.323

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