What is wrong with Outlook 2010 and Gmail IMAP?


I have set up my Gmail account with Outlook 2010 SP1 using IMAP. One problem is bugging me like anything here is the sync problem. When I hit "Mark All as Read" in outlook for gmail account, outlook becomes non-responsive for several minutes. On the other hand Windows Live Mail is setup with same gmail account in same machine, but it is quite fast in this operation.

I let outlook automatically set up my gmail account, but I don't know what's going wrong here.

Following is my system spec

Win7 ultimate 32 sp1
Outlook 2010 sp1
MS Security essential
Comodo firewall [IMAP ports are open, as WLM is working fine]

Can anybody please suggest me some workaround here to speed outlook up? I have searched a lot in Google and MS Office help site, but nothing is of good help.

Anindya Chatterjee

Posted 2012-01-07T20:26:38.297

Reputation: 261

How many messages are you syncing to your Outlook? Every single message from Gmail, or only the last couple of days or so? – iglvzx – 2012-01-07T20:33:45.583

I have over 2000 mails in Gmail, but all them except the recent 20 mails are all READ. I am trying to mark those 20 messages as READ from outlook. Same operation is happening in WLM in just moments, but outlook seems to take forever!!! – Anindya Chatterjee – 2012-01-07T20:40:00.830

I usually use this option for Spam and Trash folders-"Download holders only" and for Inbox and Drafts-"Download complete item including attachments".This prevents Outlook from downloading mails and attachments that are marked as Spam by Gmail. – Ahmed Bilfaqih – 2012-01-07T20:53:32.987


I too had the same problem but this helped me out.

– Ahmed Bilfaqih – 2012-01-07T21:04:07.180

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