Keep screen from going to stand-by during working hours in ubuntu?


Normally in Ubuntu (11.10) you either configure the screen to go to stand-by after some amount of minutes has elapsed with no user activity. Or you can configure the screen to keep turned on always.

Is there some software or script (cron?) that I can use to have the screen go to stand-by after x minuets during non-working hours, and having the screen turned on always during working hours?

Bjarke Freund-Hansen

Posted 2012-01-06T07:12:31.097

Reputation: 1 151



You can run a simple script that uses xdotool to move mouse for one pixel every x minutes (here is how). Additionally you can do this only when idle, what you can find with xprintidle variable.


Posted 2012-01-06T07:12:31.097

Reputation: 590