I've set up a couple of servers on my network, which are named simply after the service they are providing (i.e. http://git/, http://jenkins/, etc.). For simplicity, those are accessible by their short name, i.e. http://git
instead of http://git.my.local.domain
. Unfortunately, this interferes severely with searching from Chrome's omnibar: if I wanted to search for "git do something I want", I'd type git
space and the Omnibar would instantly assume I want to search inside http://git
, which is obviously wrong.
Is there any way I can either disable this functionality for certain sites or at least change it somehow to be activated only on tab, but not on space?
This works for 'Facebook', but strangely, I don't have an entry for 'git' in there! :( – Vincent Sels – 2017-09-14T09:31:59.673