When attempting to load Chrome OS from a USB stick on my Inspiron B130 the Chromium logo comes up and then disappears to a black screen. After pressing Alt-Right I can login to the terminal and attempt to start the configurator manually, but I get something about a Synaptic TouchPad not working, and that an xterm
command does not exist. I've been using Hexxeh's builds (both vanilla and lime).
Is it possible to get Chrome OS working on my Inspiron B130?
You mean ChromiumOS not ChromeOS... But I guess the best way to find it out is to checkout if one of hexxeh builts are working: http://hexxeh.net/?p=328117837 Btw, here is a guide I've wrote to help you with this process: http://greenido.wordpress.com/2012/01/09/install-chromiumos-on-your-old-laptop/
– Ido Green – 2012-05-10T05:42:19.800