Chrome - open links within the same domain in the same tab



I have a few pinned tabs in Chrome (v16.0.912.63 m) namely When I click on links within the BBC News website (e.g.,, the link opens in a new tab. This behavior is extremely annoying as a 15 minute browsing sessions ends up spawning multiple tabs that need to be closed individually. Links within the same domain in unpinned tabs open within the same tab as expected.

I want links within the same domain to open in the same tab (pinned or unpinned) and links pointing to external sites opening in a new tab.


Posted 2011-12-29T20:09:34.210

Reputation: 179



Installing the "Open PinnedTab Link" Chrome extension with the settings below and restarting the browser helped to solve this problem. Links clicked within the same domain inside a pinned tab open in the same tab whereas external links open in a new tab.

  • Enabled: Clicked links will open in new tabs. - OFF
  • Outbound Links Only: Keep links to the same domain in the pinned tab. - ON


Posted 2011-12-29T20:09:34.210

Reputation: 179


If anybody's still interested, I made an extension that accomplishes this‒ "New Domain in New Tab" supports whitelists/blacklists on a per-domain basis, so you can fine-tune which sites it is enabled/disabled for.

Find it on the Chrome store:

Devin D

Posted 2011-12-29T20:09:34.210

Reputation: 11