How to connect MPLAB with mikroICD?


How can I connect the MPLAB software from MicroChip with my mikroICD debugger so I can flash and debug my assembler programs?


Posted 2011-12-23T20:43:56.800

Reputation: 344


IF you don't get any answers here, try asking at electronics site.

– AndrejaKo – 2011-12-24T00:03:53.670

I followed your advice and posted the question there. – Karel – 2011-12-26T12:54:33.897

update they don't accept my question at the electronics site.. – Karel – 2011-12-26T15:21:51.973


Interesting. I'm user at both sites and questions related to equipment and specific software were allowed there. Anyway it took me a while to connect mikroICD with mikroElektronika. You could try asking their support for help. They removed BigPic 5 from the site, but if my memory serves me correctly, you might be out of luck. I think that back when BigPic 5 was new, mikroE tried to push its own closed system on the board users and as a result of that I think that Big Pic 5 doesn't support MPLAB.

– AndrejaKo – 2011-12-26T17:32:44.137

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