finger command not working?


I am using amazon linux AMI on EC2 cloud. chfn command is working fine and i am able to change finger information. But finger command is not working.

Any clue to solve the issue?

# chfn testuser
Changing finger information for testuser.
Name []: James
Office []: Canada
Office Phone []: 123
Home Phone []: 234

Finger information changed.

# finger testuser
bash: finger: command not found

# yum provides finger
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, priorities, security, update-motd
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* amzn-main:
* amzn-updates:
  amzn-main                                                                                                                             | 2.1 kB     00:00
amzn-updates                                                                                                                          | 2.3 kB     00:00
 finger-0.17-39.6.amzn1.i686 : The finger client
 Repo        : amzn-main
 Matched from:


Posted 2011-12-18T17:21:06.240

Reputation: 1 753



I would try

yum provides finger

to discover which package on the amazon repositories contains the finger client. Then use yum to install the package.


Posted 2011-12-18T17:21:06.240

Reputation: 70 632

thanks, i have updated question with yum provides finger.. – P K – 2011-12-18T17:41:25.590

yum install finger work fine for me. – P K – 2011-12-18T17:42:00.897