I have a need to do a lot in vim
on a remote server which I need to SSH into. I find that it is best if I can look at multiple documents in multiple windows on my desktop, so to do this I open two or three SSH sessions to the remote server. This is getting a bit tedious though, as I have to re-enter the un/pw several times, and I have to make sure that each window remains active enough to prevent automatic log-off.
Is there a way to SSH in once and then piggy back on it with different terminal windows? (I use OSX and Ubuntu predominantly).
Good point. It's generally more secure, too - see http://superuser.com/questions/303358/why-is-ssh-key-authentication-better-than-password-authentication
– Randy Orrison – 2011-12-11T08:08:59.553(I actually have moved over to key-based auth) – cwallenpoole – 2014-05-29T19:09:47.773