A user tries to change his/her password in a Windows domain and it's not accepted:
The password supplied does not meet the minimum complexity requirements
How can an end-user find out what the requirements are? (The obvious solution would be to contact IT but let's say it's not possible)
8Not always so theoretical, having been trying to help an end user with this exact problem when the sysadmin was on vacation... It's a pretty big design flaw that Windows doesn't tell the user what the complexity requirements are during the password change process. – Brian Knoblauch – 2014-08-28T15:01:35.730
If there is an AD in place, who manages it and why can't they be contacted? – Dave M – 2011-12-06T15:23:20.463
2@Dave: it's a theoretical question :) I'm just curious if it can be done – Siim K – 2011-12-06T15:26:39.743