How can I open urls on my host machine with VMWARE?



I am running a Windows 7 vm with WMware player from Fedora. I have VMWare tools installed successfully and I have successfully some of it's features like Unity mode so it seems to be installed correctly. That being said I still cannot get urls to open up in my host machine's browsers, these are the steps I have taken:

  1. Within the vm I set "Default Host Application" to be the application to open urls.
  2. Within my host machine I have set Chrome to be my preferred application for opening urls.
  3. Enabled Shared Folders in the vm (Not sure if that really helped anything but I saw it suggested on a forum post)

After doing that when I click on a link I get the following error message:

Default host Application: Make sure the virtual machine's configuration allows the guest to open host applications.

I cannot find any option like that in my vm's configuration so I am not sure what the error message is referring to.


Posted 2011-12-05T16:36:23.533

Reputation: 151

This sounds like a network configuration error. Make sure the virtual machine has access to your network device. – Ramhound – 2011-12-05T16:38:57.543

I can access the internet just fine so it seems to have access to my network devices. Is there any other kind of connectivity that would be required that I could test? – Yanamon – 2011-12-08T14:41:38.057



I fixed the issue by changing from "Default Host Application" set for the HTTP/HTTPS protocols in Default Programs, to "Internet Explorer". See image:



Posted 2011-12-05T16:36:23.533

Reputation: 21

1The question is "How to open urls on host machine with VMWARE?", NOT how to open url locally inside the guest. This is a bad answer. – zeFree – 2018-08-31T02:43:53.060


Whilst this may theoretically answer the question, it would be preferable to include the essential parts of the answer here, and provide the link for reference.

– Canadian Luke – 2013-12-31T21:35:21.230