Can I use my Linux-PC/Laptop as a Bluetooth headset for my mobile phone?



The same question exist for windows but NOT for linux.

Is it possible to use my linux-laptop (which has connected a microphone and a speaker per Sound card) over bluetooth as a headset for my mobile phone?

Is there any way do realise this with BlueZ (bluetooth stack under linux)?

I DON'T want to use my bluetooth headset with my PC.

I want to use my laptop/pc as headset per bluetooth for my mobile phone.

I use GNU/Linux Debian unstable.

Thanks for any infos!

debian user

Posted 2011-12-05T08:05:19.903

Reputation: 121

Check out this q/a on askubuntu for something other than HFP.

– 3D1T0R – 2018-06-21T17:19:44.830



You are looking for HFP for Linux. Hope that helps.


Posted 2011-12-05T08:05:19.903

Reputation: 1 190


HFP doesn't supported for modern version of linux anymore , unfortunately you can't

dirty spark

Posted 2011-12-05T08:05:19.903

Reputation: 1

4Do you have a source reference for this claim? – DavidPostill – 2017-07-20T21:00:09.550

of course , but then I lose so many time, just wanna alert everyone who will googling about this topic : You can't use hfp on modern computer , if you can , i need a proof! – dirty spark – 2017-07-20T21:20:01.833

some guy on IRC send me this link, but even this doesn't work

– dirty spark – 2017-07-20T21:22:18.257