I am about formating my computer. I would like to know whether is possible to export all saved wireless networks and restore them back. I have about 50, mostly from clients, and I don't want to mark passwords or something.
Any suggestions?
I am about formating my computer. I would like to know whether is possible to export all saved wireless networks and restore them back. I have about 50, mostly from clients, and I don't want to mark passwords or something.
Any suggestions?
In command prompt type the following to view all your wireless profiles:
netsh wlan show profiles
Next for each profile that you want to export run the following command, I would suggest saving to a USB drive or network share. Just make sure it's something secure because you don't want people stealing your clients wifi information.
netsh wlan export profile name="network-name-here" folder="d:\destination"
Finally on the computer where you want to add the profiles run the following command to import from the USB pen or network share.
netsh wlan add profile filename="d:\source.xml"
I would suggest testing out the commands first, before formatting, just to make sure they work for you and there are no supprises after the format.
you could just type
netsh wlan export profile folder="c:\destination"and that will put them all in a folder named "destination" on your c: