Acceptable Intel i5 Proccessor Temperature?


Possible Duplicate:
What is the safe temperature range for a Core-i5 processor?

I'm just wondering if my processor I working under an acceptable temp. From what I have read 42 is pretty decent under idle conditions. But looking as Intel Extreme Tuning its appears red while every thing else is blue. Any suggestions?

enter image description here

Antarr Byrd

Posted 2011-11-28T04:24:51.510

Reputation: 121

Question was closed 2011-11-28T04:59:09.397

What is you're specific i5 model? – wizlog – 2011-11-28T04:54:41.153

It looks like it is a bug with the reading. Does it say 429 Million degrees? – xdumaine – 2011-11-28T04:57:57.210

Hotter than the photoshphere of the sun - decent! :] – MoonKnight – 2011-11-28T05:16:44.120

1Idle temperatures are basically meaningless. They just measure how much the fan is able to slow down. – David Schwartz – 2011-11-28T05:25:17.783



The i5 should be able to operate at approx. 90 ish... see this question.


Posted 2011-11-28T04:24:51.510

Reputation: 12 320


Your temperature monitor is off. You may just be missing a decimal point to get to the real temperature, but as of now, it seems to think that your processor is about half a billion degrees centigrade. That puts it just slighly out of normal bounds.

Your voltage meter is off also.


Posted 2011-11-28T04:24:51.510

Reputation: 22 744