I have a fresh installation of Ubuntu Server. "reboot" works, but shutdown fails on the * Killing all remaining processes...
step. I am using:
sudo shutdown now
After the failure, indicated by [fail]
(with "fail" in red), I get this message:
* will now switch to single-user mode
with no other error messages. The user is root after the program exits.
Any ideas about how to trouble-shoot this, or what the problem might be?
The Ubuntu version is 11.10 and I ran sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade
before this.
I am experiencing exactly the same issue. – Kouber Saparev – 2011-12-28T22:28:52.553
See if this helps. it forced the shutdown, though the red "failed" didn't disappear.
– None – 2012-01-15T13:53:16.817Does the sudo poweroff make the problem go away? – pbies – 2013-12-05T13:43:46.600