How to make Gmail the default handler for email on a Windows PC?



I am using the Snippet Screen Capture application on Windows 7 and when I use the email to option it defaults to Exchange.

How can I change this to default to Gmail?

Clay Nichols

Posted 2011-11-16T17:26:46.307

Reputation: 4 494

TVHGoogleMapi does the job, see also linked question. – Michael S. – 2017-02-28T07:52:09.760

I know it's possible, because I've done it at home. There may be limitations though (like only mailto links within Firefox). – MBraedley – 2011-11-16T17:37:15.897

1This is not an exact duplicate. The solution linked to works only for MailTo: links within the browser. My question was specifically about a Windows program (Snippet Screen capture tool) which defaults to Exchange. I want it to default to Gmail. – Clay Nichols – 2011-11-17T22:11:10.967



You can try this suggestion from a Channel9 thread on this topic -

I installed this for someone not so long ago when I rebuilt their laptop. (save as .reg)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="rundll32.exe url.dll,FileProtocolHandler"

(and put the gmail favicon in c:\windows then change your email provider in Set Program Access and Defaults

LifeHacker recommends using an application called Affixa which registers itself as the default email application on your computer and handles file uploading to Gmail.


Posted 2011-11-16T17:26:46.307

Reputation: 2 260

1The Registry change did NOT fix it. But Affixa did. – Clay Nichols – 2011-11-21T20:14:42.370


My Blog Article might help ( You can change your default email client easily enough using Chrome Settings or the Plugin. Hope it helps.


Posted 2011-11-16T17:26:46.307

Reputation: 1

2While this may answer the question, it is better to include the details in the answer itself instead of posting links. – Rsya Studios – 2014-12-04T07:14:34.880

External links can disappear or be unavailable, in which case your answer would not be useful. Please edit your answer to include the gist of the link to make your answer self-contained. – fixer1234 – 2014-12-04T07:31:31.820