Recursive AppData\Local\Application Data link - where should this point to?


I seem to have broken my Win7 home directory somewhat.

in my users folder at AppData\Local\ there is a link from 'Application DatatoAppData\Local` which leads to pathalogical paths such as

C:\Users\Scott\AppData\Local\Application Data\Application Data\Application Data\Application Data\Application Data\Application Data

What's the right way to fix this?

Scott Weinstein

Posted 2011-11-19T17:35:08.023

Reputation: 734



This link should be in C:\Users\Scott\ (unless you moved it accidentally). Open Command Prompt and use move to put it to the right place:

cd /d C:\Users\Scott
move "AppData\Local\Application Data" "."

The link is created for compatibility reasons: some broken programs written for Windows XP assume that the appdata directory name will never change.


Posted 2011-11-19T17:35:08.023

Reputation: 283 655