Is there a way I can manage git on a remote computer using a GUI?



I am trying to find a way to manage a git repo on a server that is on a VPS. I have SSH which is all well and good, but I am looking for some way to use a GUI over a remote connection. Is it possible?


Posted 2011-11-16T05:39:18.070

Reputation: 2 884

What do you mean by "manage"? Is your working directory on the VPS, or is the VPS hosting a second copy of your repo? – Stephen Jennings – 2011-11-16T05:47:22.360

What I need is a way to control git on the server from my laptop, I am using the server to compile linux kernels and other things that need more power than my laptop can give. I am really looking to remotely control git. – ianc1215 – 2011-11-16T05:57:35.743



Use VNC or SSH ForwardX11 depending how good connectivity you have and how do you feel better


Posted 2011-11-16T05:39:18.070

Reputation: 533

That sounds like a good idea, does X11 forwarding work if server I am connecting to does not have X installed? Or do both sides (my laptop and the VPS server) require X installed? – ianc1215 – 2011-11-18T03:06:32.613

Your laptop needs X11 running of course to show graphical UI. In VPS you need only some X11 libs that are required for programs you plan to run. Use ldd /program/name to see what is needed – Cougar – 2011-11-18T17:31:07.303

That sounds like it would work very well, I will give it a try. Thanks – ianc1215 – 2011-11-18T19:12:54.247