Why does Soluto fail to run?


I have a Toshiba laptop running Windows Vista. On that computer, due to recent performances degradation, I chose to install Soluto to improve boot speed, and lighten my Firefox installation.

I run it from two accounts, mine and my wife's one, which are both administrator accounts.

  • On my account Soluto starts flawlessly, displaying an icon in notification bar and allowing me fine-tuning of Windows start-up
  • On my wife account, when I click the Soluto icon in the start menu, a security dialog popups requiring me to allow execution of Soluto.exe /runservice which I accept. The soluto icon then appears for a short time in notification bar before to disappear, without any additional information.

What can I do to have Soluto running on both accounts ?



Posted 2011-11-08T21:24:36.160

Reputation: 1 467


Have you looked in the Event Viewer?

– Blorgbeard is out – 2011-11-08T23:06:04.070

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