HOWTO Fix Ugly Opera Font On Linux?



I have two images to compare: Opera version and Firefox version Look at how ugly the font rendered in opera. Did you guys have an idea how to fix it?

FYI: 1. I'm using Ubuntu Jaunty 2. With XFCE desktop (but, gnome and KDE4 is installed too)


Posted 2009-09-04T05:50:33.780

Reputation: 931

for added information. The url is:

– ariefbayu – 2009-09-04T05:50:51.363

The url for firefox version is:

– ariefbayu – 2009-09-04T05:52:20.533



Opera has trouble using core X fonts, you can disable them though.

Under ~/.opera/opera#.ini (where # represents version) add:

Enable Core X Fonts=0 

in the [User Prefs] section of the file.

John T

Posted 2009-09-04T05:50:33.780

Reputation: 149 037

thanks, I did't use your solution though, because it fixed already when I use opera 10:D – ariefbayu – 2009-09-04T07:53:20.943


Some information available at an Opera forums thread about the issue.

Ilari Kajaste

Posted 2009-09-04T05:50:33.780

Reputation: 3 282

sorry, I can't vote you UP, I don't have enough rep point – ariefbayu – 2009-09-04T07:52:21.803