Can user-defined autocomplete keyword description in notepad++ span multiple lines?



I am creating an API auto-complete XML file for my user-defined language. Can the description text assigned to the keyword be displayed as multiple lines inside the auto-complete pop-up window?


<KeyWord name="sample" func="yes">
    <Overload retVal="void" descr="A description. I want this text on a new line of the np++ auto-complete pop-up window.">
        <Param name="filename string" />

This is the result of the XML code shown above:

enter image description here

Is there a way to add an escaped line feed or new line character to the "descr" attribute content to place text on a new line, i.e:

(Note: this "screenshot" was manually created in Paint.NET, and was NOT produced by np++) enter image description here

I have already tried the solution suggested in S.O. question without success. Is there a way to do this?

If not, can someone tell me if is this a limitation of notepad++ or the base scintilla editing component?


Posted 2011-11-06T01:30:31.223

Reputation: 51

This question seems more likely to be answered on because Programmers tend to use it more than Super Users. – IsmailS – 2011-11-15T05:52:51.957

Doesn't <Overload retVal="void" descr="A description.<br />I want this text on a new line of the np++ auto-complete pop-up window."> work? If not, the other ways of getting a line feed include &#10; - &#13; - and in some scripting languages \n. – ShoeMaker – 2012-06-14T23:09:51.833



Try inserting a real carriage return in the XML file by just hitting enter where you want to break the line.


Posted 2011-11-06T01:30:31.223

Reputation: 101