How can I reinstall Windows 7 without an optical drive?


Possible Duplicate:
Install Windows 7 from USB flash drive

My wife has a Neo netbook with a manufacturer installed Windows 7 OS.

Is it possible to reinstall the OS without an optical drive, perhaps with a USB memory and the license code on the Windows sticker?


Posted 2011-11-05T13:31:49.897

Reputation: 1 157

Question was closed 2011-11-05T15:52:15.527

Similar to what Paul suggests, but I just saw that you don't seem to have an installation file as well? – slhck – 2011-11-05T14:38:14.010



Use the .iso file sold from the Windows website. If you take this route, it may cost a few bucks, but you can use WUDT to create a bootable USB drive, and then you are solid if you ever need to do it again.

Just be careful to modify your boot order in BIOS.

Jon Valentine

Posted 2011-11-05T13:31:49.897

Reputation: 531