Why can't I shut down the avahi-daemon in Fedora Linux?



I'm using Fedora 16.

I shut down NetworkManager and wpa_supplicant (using service commands), but when I try:

sudo service avahi-daemon stop


sudo kill pid

it appears again instantly! How can I figure which process is still using avahi?


Posted 2011-11-04T14:49:58.770

Reputation: 141

1If you have time, please upvote and/or pick an answer. Thanks! – phw – 2012-04-10T20:50:13.090



OP posted this also in the Fedora Forums here.

The solution is to disable the service altogether:

systemctl disable avahi-daemon.service

That worked for me.


Posted 2011-11-04T14:49:58.770

Reputation: 510

you should explain how to enable again – M H – 2016-10-21T14:32:09.560

1systemctl enable avahi-daemon May I suggesties to RTFM? – phw – 2016-10-24T06:43:26.860

Hahaha or you could just post thorough answer for future users. If everyone RTFM then we wouldn't need this site. – M H – 2016-10-24T15:44:16.240

The question was only about disabling it. ;-) You're welcome, BTW. – phw – 2016-10-24T15:47:30.497


If someone accidentally come across this - in my opinion the problem is that avahi-daemon.socket is bringing the process up again after you kill it (or try to stop it). The idea of sockets is that on the general the service does not need to be started when the system is loaded, but just when someone really needs it. The socket only monitors if someone needs the service and spawns it. I would try stopping the socket first (systemctl stop avahi-daemon.socket) and see if after that I can stop the service. See this for more information about sockets.

Another thing that might happen is that systemd can respawn a crashed service (or service that got killed). In this case though, systemctl stop avahi-daemon.service should work.

Ivaylo Petrov

Posted 2011-11-04T14:49:58.770

Reputation: 146

It seems, this also is accurate for disabling avahi-daemon.service - you have to disable also avahi-daemon.socket to prevent avahi waking up. – JustAMartin – 2016-06-14T20:59:55.797


The command

systemctl stop avahi-daemon.service 

should work.


Posted 2011-11-04T14:49:58.770

Reputation: 228

1I tried that but it didn't work the only way was to disable it and restart – cap10ibraim – 2011-11-04T20:34:11.853

2@Niels could you edit your answer to include a bit more info about how your solution works? – nhinkle – 2011-11-04T20:40:25.693

what gives the command systemctl status avahi-daemon.service ? – Niels – 2011-11-05T10:08:40.590