Why is my magnetic hard drive exceedingly slow?


Writes to my WD Caviar Green 2TB hard drive are exceedingly slow. When dpkg is setting up packages atop reports speeds of between 0.5 and 1 MB/s. AHCI is enabled in my bios. I bought the drive new. What could be wrong? What can I do to troubleshoot?

This is on Ubuntu 11.10. 3 partitions are 1%, 5% and 50% used respectively.

edit: I had originally misidentified the drive as my SSD drive but later found my mistake when running a benchmark to troubleshoot.

edit2: File system is btrfs.


Posted 2011-11-02T23:41:21.297

Reputation: 7 397

How have you isolated this as being a disk speed issue? dpkg does various things when setting up a package, only a subset is writing to the disk. It could be slow decompressing for example. – Paul – 2011-11-02T23:46:57.470

I was using the output of atop which indicated 100% "busy" and had DSK=100% for dpkg. – user64996 – 2011-11-03T00:30:36.557

DSK=100% for dpkg just means dpkg is accounting for 100% of the system's disk usage. – David Schwartz – 2011-11-03T00:32:29.080

Yes, see my comment to your answer where I explain that the system usage indicated 100% "busy". – user64996 – 2011-11-03T00:43:13.483



It turns out my disk is an "Advanced Format" drive with 4K sectors. The problem is that Ubuntu's installer did not partition them on 8-sector boundaries which results in the poor speed that I am seeing.

Although I haven't done it yet the solution is to repartition using 8-sector boundaries (destructive) or to try to use the "WD Align" utility which is supposedly non-destructive.


Posted 2011-11-02T23:41:21.297

Reputation: 7 397


I give you the same answer as last time, the drive is operating at normal speed, it's just not receiving a whole lot of writes.

If you are still establishing that the drive is the bottleneck because atop is reporting 100%, you are likely misreading the output of atop. (For example, the system disk activity will always total 100%.)

For example, this is from a mostly idle system:

  PID                RDDSK                 WRDSK                WCANCL                 DSK                CMD        1/1
  349                   0K                   40K                    0K                 83%                jbd2/sdb1-8
 1394                   4K                    4K                    0K                 17%                squid

Notice the disk activity totals 100%.

David Schwartz

Posted 2011-11-02T23:41:21.297

Reputation: 58 310

I was reading the system information (the section at the very top in an invocation of "sudo atop") and not the per-process information to establish that disk utilization was 100%. I used the per-process information only to establish what application was causing it. – user64996 – 2011-11-03T00:32:22.107

What was the % busy for the drive? – David Schwartz – 2011-11-03T00:33:16.007

BUSY for the drive was 100% (or about that) – user64996 – 2011-11-03T00:41:30.397