How do I change the Windows Shell for only one User?


I tried using the tutorial listed here and it should have worked, but it didn't. I checked my spelling, my registry paths, and my values three times, and I followed every step correctly but it didn't work. For some reason it's still going to the key located in HKLM (Local Machine) instead of HKCU (Current User) even though I changed the shell value located in Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\IniFileMapping\system.ini\bootto USR:Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

It doesn't make any sense why it isn't working.

Note: I'm trying to remove the shell completely for one user on the computer but no one else. Also, I did make sure I was logged onto the right user when I changed the shell value in HKCU.

I'm using Windows XP SP3

Mark Kramer

Posted 2011-11-01T19:06:07.783

Reputation: 285

1So … are you using Windows NT version 4? – JdeBP – 2011-11-01T19:15:38.813

Since that article is from 1998, and it's about Windows NT v4, are you sure it still works under newer Windows versions? What version of Windows are you trying to apply this to? What do you mean by "It doesn't work"? What does it do when you change those settings? What did you set your HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon to? – Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 – 2011-11-01T19:18:09.363

I'm using Windows XP SP3 and I can't find a newer article – Mark Kramer – 2011-11-01T19:21:21.987

Besides, look at, this one was written for XP and it uses the same Key

– Mark Kramer – 2011-11-01T19:28:43.790

What shell are you trying to use? What is your ultimate goal? If you just don't want the explorer interface there are plenty of options, like geoshell, sharpe, Aston, litestep, etc. If you want to use something other than cmd.exe, you can try Tccle and console2. Please be more specific with what you want. – MaQleod – 2011-11-02T06:41:21.227

No, I want no shell at all. I'm trying to make the computer so when you start it up, it opens Internet Explorer in kiosk mode with no shell so they can't do anything else but use internet explorer. That is what was requested by my employer – Mark Kramer – 2011-11-03T18:25:38.213

I found this link for windows XP, though I have never tried this myself, maybe it will help: --- I also found this method as well:

– MaQleod – 2011-11-04T23:52:15.673



All you have to do is restart the computer after changing the shell value in HKCU.

Mark Kramer

Posted 2011-11-01T19:06:07.783

Reputation: 285