Double pixel size of a window?


Is there a way to double the pixel size of a window, and only that window, that draws to the screen using GDI?


Posted 2011-10-30T02:08:06.270

Reputation: 684

What do you mean by "double pixel size"? enlarge to 2x the size? – wizlog – 2011-11-07T17:40:59.553

After extensive research, this can't be done. You might want to try using a magnifier for a specific window, but apart from that... – wizlog – 2011-11-08T02:23:44.190

@wizlog It can be done, it would just require me to get off of my lazy ass and code a DLL that hooks the drawing, window creation, and mouse position get functions and double everything. – Avery3R – 2011-11-09T00:35:33.003

If the software isn't readily available, you should of mentioned that, and offered more than a bounty of just 50 rep. – wizlog – 2011-11-09T01:47:04.033

@wizlog I wasn't sure whether or not it was avaliable, and 50 was the max rep I put on a bounty. – Avery3R – 2011-11-09T02:00:51.230

I wasn't serious... Sorry. If I knew how, I'd do it... – wizlog – 2011-11-09T03:46:12.980



Do you mean:

  • Change the DPI of the window? The answer is no.
  • Change the dimensions of the window? The answer is yes via GetWindowPos/SetWindowPos.
  • Zoom the window? Not unless you're using Direct2D/DirectX (in which case you can use a shader). You have to do this yourself.


Posted 2011-10-30T02:08:06.270

Reputation: 2 857