In Windows Vista, how do I make the Sidebar to appear above a maximised window?


I want to see the Sidebar gadgets without having to minimize all the windows one-by-one; I want them to appear and then disappear again.


Posted 2009-09-03T07:06:20.277

Reputation: 1 017

a.k.a Dashboard for Mac. ;) – caliban – 2009-09-03T07:14:47.297

Doesn't the sidebar appear when you take the mouse pointer to the right edge of the screen? – alex – 2009-09-03T07:16:37.653

No, that does not work on my computer. – systemovich – 2009-09-03T07:37:57.640

Strange, it works for me. It's the default behavior, from what I know. I'll check it out when I get home. – alex – 2009-09-03T08:14:01.530



WIN+G works. Just click anywhere in the current window to make the SideBar disappear again.


Posted 2009-09-03T07:06:20.277

Reputation: 1 017


I don't think this can be achieved without third-party utilities in Vista. However, you can always just quickly press Win+D key to Show Desktop (along with the widgets), and then Win+D again to restore all windows to the exact state it was at.


Posted 2009-09-03T07:06:20.277

Reputation: 18 979

+1 For the Keyboard Shortcut. Also very handy. – BinaryMisfit – 2009-09-03T07:17:46.573

1WIN+D shows only the desktop, but not the Sidebar. The Sidebar does show, but only for a split-second. – systemovich – 2009-09-03T07:40:23.110

3Aha! I tried different key combinations with the WIN-key, and, what-do-you-know, WIN+G does the trick! Thanks ScoopDreams. – systemovich – 2009-09-03T07:45:40.683

Serious??? I didn't know about that even!! -laughs- thanks for finding out for us! – caliban – 2009-09-04T06:44:19.833


In Vista

  • Click on the Orb
  • Type Windows Sidebar Properties in Search
  • Press Enter
  • Tick Sidebar is always on top of other Windows.
  • Click OK

Just tested it and it actually fits the windows next to the Sidebar when Maximized.

Alternatively double click the icon in the TaskTray to quickly display it. As already mentioned there is no way to make it "slide" in and out without a third party tool.


Posted 2009-09-03T07:06:20.277

Reputation: 19 955

Probably the good solution, though it's not what he asked for, since he asked for it to be "above" the maximized windows (though it would mask a part of them, but that's another thing) – Gnoupi – 2009-09-03T07:33:44.293

I am aware of the exact question, but as already mentioned it is not possible. I would much rather give an alternative then none at all. – BinaryMisfit – 2009-09-03T07:36:26.363

Thanks, Diago, but I knew that already. I want it to appear and then disappear again. – systemovich – 2009-09-03T07:39:02.863

@Geoffrey : You want that ? You may then want to edit a bit your question, to make it more clear. – Gnoupi – 2009-09-03T07:42:37.630

@Gnoupi, I have edited the question. – systemovich – 2009-09-03T07:49:29.363


You can press windows key + space to make gadgets appear over any open and maximised windows (not sure about full screen applications)


Posted 2009-09-03T07:06:20.277



Not an actual solution to your problem, but in a way, I think such demand will be satisfied with Windows 7, with having floating gadgets, not depending on a sidebar anymore.


Posted 2009-09-03T07:06:20.277

Reputation: 7 909

Windows 7 has Aero Peek, which makes all windows transparent except for the gadgets. – systemovich – 2009-09-03T07:51:53.977

Indeed, this too. – Gnoupi – 2009-09-03T07:52:54.117