Changing Desktop location in Windows results in wrong folder being linked


I'm dead confused, I followed the instructions here and set my desktop folder to D:\Pocket\desktop2.

We can verify this in the registry:

enter image description here

But desktop2 folder is not showing in D:\pocket. Instead, the Desktop is shown!

enter image description here

I can't understand what's happening. I've had "show hidden files and folders" enabled, so why is D:\pocket\desktop2 not showing?


Posted 2011-10-14T16:41:43.047

Reputation: 22 232

The registry seems to point to d:\pockets\desktop2. Now I'm confused – uSlackr – 2011-10-14T17:21:41.783

@uSlackr edited appropriately – Pacerier – 2011-10-14T18:03:12.693



Windows has an ability to set a "localized" name for special folders. For example, on all Windows versions "Documents" folder remains "Documents", but shows its name in current user's GUI language. So this is why you see this folder named "Desktop".

How to rename

  1. Enable "Show Hidden files" if Explorer Folder Options (In view tab)

  2. Open hidden file desktop.ini in Notepad

  3. Change LocalizedResourceName to whatever you like:

    LocalizedResourceName=My Magical Name

You can delete this desktop.ini file outright, but it is re-created automatically, sometimes.


Posted 2011-10-14T16:41:43.047

Reputation: 19 503

This is SO cool! I renamed my desktop to "Dash." Hello world of fantastically named system folders! I can't picture this blowing up all over my face... :) – Ryan Clarke – 2011-10-14T17:49:26.730

@haimg I've no idea why a search for desktop.ini through my drive gives me alot of results. Are you saying that all these files are safe to delete? – Pacerier – 2011-10-14T17:59:13.057

There are lots of "customized" folders by default: Documents, Pictures, Downloads, etc. Each time you use View|Customize in Windows Explorer, such file is created. So it's ok to have lots of these (hidden) desktop.ini files. But of course I cannot say that all your desktop.ini files could be safely deleted, I don't know for sure that all these files are indeed folder customization files... – haimg – 2011-10-14T18:09:41.100

I think you only want to change the one in the D:\pocket\test folder. – Ryan Clarke – 2011-10-14T18:13:52.523

@haimg cooool, could you explain the last 3 lines in the desktop.init file? – Pacerier – 2011-10-15T08:06:55.140

@Pacifier: These 3 lines specify the folder's icon in Explorer. See and for more info, actually if you google desktop.ini lots of useful info turns up :-)

– haimg – 2011-10-15T14:19:01.720


"Desktop" is a special virtual folder (hence the different icon). You changed the real folder it (effectively) points to, but you did not change the name of the special virtual folder that Windows Explorer shows you.


Posted 2011-10-14T16:41:43.047

Reputation: 70 632


It seems like more of a feature than a bug.

You have set the folder D:\Pocket\Test as your desktop folder. Now Windows Vista is masking the real folder and is showing you the logical folder that is the Desktop.

You can make sure that the desktop folder is indeed your D:\Pocket\Test by right clicking the Desktop folder and verifying the path in Properties.

Also try opening D:\Pocket\Test from Run Prompt. It should open Desktop folder.

If you REALLY want to see that D:\Pocket\Test exists, just boot up using a Live CD and browse your Windows drive to D:\Pocket\Test. You will find the folder there.

Ganesh R.

Posted 2011-10-14T16:41:43.047

Reputation: 4 869

How do we disable the "masking"? – Pacerier – 2011-10-14T17:07:53.337

@Pacerier: You can't. – surfasb – 2011-10-14T17:32:25.540

@surfasb heys help me with this issue: thanks =P

– Pacerier – 2011-10-14T18:19:18.920