Is Jscript.dll unique to the computer?



Is the Jscript.dll file unique to the computer?

I plan on copying the Jscript.dll from one of my other computers (with the same operating system) to my current computer because the one on my current computer has been merged identically by a .reg file.

So is it possible to copy and paste it on to a flash drive, transfer the file to my current computer, then run Regsvr32 "C:\Windows\System32\jscript.dll" on the command prompt? After that, reboot.

Amy Dee

Posted 2011-10-12T00:07:20.723

Reputation: 11

Personally, I'd find the proper installer. It sounds like your proposition won't be harmful, given it's the same OS, but you may require more than just one dll and registry settings. – Hand-E-Food – 2011-10-12T00:29:18.223

I know that jscript.dll is the only file because the only error message I've been receiving is for that one file. – Amy Dee – 2011-10-12T20:25:55.353

And what's an installer? (/newb at this) – Amy Dee – 2011-10-12T20:26:11.160

That error message indicated Jscrict.dll is the first file that is missing. It may be the only one, but there's nothing to say that JScript.dll doesn't require other missing files. I just had a look and JScript.dll requires 41 other files and up to 214 files depending on what it's used for. I doubt you'll do any harm with what you suggested, so long as you don't replace anything. Give it a shot and see if it works. – Hand-E-Food – 2011-10-12T22:14:34.263

I downloaded a .reg fixer from . I read somewhere that the Vista version would work for Windows 7 as well. It didn't since it gave me a new error (first error was a 'There is no script engine' error. Now it's a 800a1391 error. What do you mean by JScript.dll requires 41 other files? Do I have to replace those as well?

– Amy Dee – 2011-10-12T22:35:41.440

An installer is a program that installs software on your computer. When you put a CD in the drive, it runs the installer on the CD which copies files and configures settings on your computer. I'm not sure which installer gives you JScript.dll. It's a Microsoft program so I'm surprised it wasn't installed with Windows. I'll take a guess it's part of Internet Explorer, available here:

– Hand-E-Food – 2011-10-12T22:36:29.557

And is it certain that JScript.dll will 100% need 41 other files? What did you look up? – Amy Dee – 2011-10-12T22:36:31.843

So I'll have to re-download Internet Explorer? Also, I didn't buy the Windows 7 OS CD. I had it pre-installed when I bought my computer. – Amy Dee – 2011-10-12T22:38:48.067

JScript needs other files, but I couldn't tell if if they're missing or not without sitting down at your computer. An easier way may be to put the original Windows CD in the drive and ask it to repair Windows. – Hand-E-Food – 2011-10-12T22:40:37.023

Can I see myself if they're missing or not? And I don't have the CD. Is there any other option (that's easy)? Also, would my original plan of replacing the JScript.dll file by copying it from another computer that runs the same OS and replacing it? – Amy Dee – 2011-10-12T22:41:33.070

Like I said before, your original plan should be fine. – Hand-E-Food – 2011-10-12T22:45:02.853

Oh, um, if I remember when I downloaded and installed IE9, there was a message about my system not compatible or something of the sorts and I foolishly dismissed it. Could I uninstall IE9 and re-install it to replace JScript.dll? – Amy Dee – 2011-10-13T00:52:55.850

That's worth trying, but perhaps you should replace it with IE8 instead, just to ensure compatibility. You can try to upgrade to IE9 later. – Hand-E-Food – 2011-10-13T00:58:05.430

How do I replace it with IE8? I can't find the download. – Amy Dee – 2011-10-13T01:07:32.877

Not for Windows 7 at least. – Amy Dee – 2011-10-13T01:16:19.430

Okay, I found it and reverted back to IE8. It didn't work. And then I tried to replace the file (JScript.dll) and it wouldn't let me. It said "You need permission to perform this action". – Amy Dee – 2011-10-13T01:39:49.313

Do not post personal contact information in comments! If a problem requires extended discussion to solve, please use the site's built-in [chat] functionality. @Hand-E-Food you have enough reputation to create chat rooms; if you make a new chat room and then add Amy to the write access list, you can discuss this in chat. This keeps the discussion of the problem archived on the site and publicly visible, helping future visitors. Once you have figured out the problem, post an answer below. If you have questions let me know in these comments and we can discuss in the ask a moderator chat room. – nhinkle – 2011-10-13T01:58:05.260

@nhinkle, thanks for that. I wasn't aware of the chat functionality. Also, Amy's reputation is too low to use chat. How else can I contact an individual? – Hand-E-Food – 2011-10-13T02:15:00.373

@Hand-E-Food hm... getting a user into chat who has <20 rep can be challenging, but I'm pretty sure it can be done. I think she would have to create a chat account (by clicking the chat link or going directly to, then you could manually add her to the room's access list if you were the owner of the room. Usually extended discussions like this automatically generate a chat room, but because Amy is a new user with <20 rep it may not do so automatically.

– nhinkle – 2011-10-13T02:26:38.460

@Hand-E-Food if you have further questions, you can pop into the ask a moderator chat room.

– nhinkle – 2011-10-13T02:28:10.297

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